Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Contraception d’urgence: niveaux de connaissances, attitudes et risques lies à son utilisation chez une population de femmes dans la région de Dakar
Objectif : Notre étude a pour objectifs de déterminer les niveaux de connaissances, les attitudes et les risques liés à l’utilisation de la pilule contraceptive d’urgence chez une population de femme dans la ...
Profil actuel de la toxoplasmose cérébrale en milieu hospitalier à dakar
Objectif. Décrire les aspects épidémio-
cliniques, paracliniques et pronostiques actuels de
la toxoplasmose cérébrale en milieu hospitalier à
Dakar. Méthodes. Étude descriptive et analytique
chez les patients VIH + ...
Mineral-bone disorders in chronic hemodialysis patients in sub- saharan africa: dakar experience (senegal west africa)
Introduction: Mineral bone disorders (BMD) are almost constant
complications in chron-ic hemodialysis patients. The objective of
our study was to determine the prevalence and profiles of BMD
in chronic hemodialysis ...
Drug treatment in non-dialysed chronic renal failure patients in senegal (west africa)
Introduction: In Senegal the drug prescription in chronic renal failure patients (CRF) is not well appreciated. The
objectives of this study were to analyze drug prescription in patients with non-dialysis CRF, the factors’ ...
Tuberculosis among chronic hemodialysis patients: a senegalese single center experience
Summary: Tuberculosis is a common infectious disease in chronic hemodialysis due to alteration
of the immune system associated with chronic kidney disease. The objectives of this study are to ...
Non-diabetic nephropathies among diabetic patients of the nephrology department of dakar
Introduction: Diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of kidney
disease in diabetics. However, in some cases the clinical symptoms is not typ-
ical and nephropathy may be different from diabetic ...
Acute Renal Failure in Severe Malaria in West Africa: A Retrospective Study Conducted between 2011 and 2014 at Aristide Le Dantec Hospital in Dakar, Senegal
Introduction: Acute renal failure (ARF) is one of the most daunting complications in severe malaria. The features
of ARF in malaria are not well-known in Senegal. Our purpose when carrying out this study was to describe ...
Bacterial ecology of peritonitis in a sub-saharan peritoneal dialysis unit
(Avens Publishing Group, 2018)
ntroduction: Peritonitis is a common and serious complication of Peritoneal Dialysis (PD). Peritonitis is a major cause of PD technique failure and conversion to long-term hemodialysis. After ...
Impact de l’emploi informel sur le revenu des ménages de la région de Dakar.
Le Sénégal est un pays sous développé avec une économie dominée par le secteur informel.
Dakar la capitale demeure la zone la plus aisé du pays, mais la pauvreté y est assez présente
avec une incidence de 40%. Cette ...
Quality of life of patients on peritoneal dialysis in dakar: a senegalese single centre experience
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2016)
Introduction: Measuring the quality of life (QOL) in recent years has become an indispensable tool
in monitoring patients suffering from chronic diseases. We conducted this study to assess QOL of
patients ...