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dc.contributor.authorFaye, Cheikh
dc.description.abstractThis article describes how the role of integrated approach to water resources management (IWRM) for the use of water resources socially equitable, economically efficient and environmentally sustainable and provision of water services is linked to, and can be used as a tool to fight against poverty in Senegal. This present paper is concerned with the consequences of adoption of an IWRM approach to reducing poverty in Senegal, and demonstrates links between the concept of IWRM and poverty. The methodology adopted in this study is based on the collection of data and information from available sources and statistics (organisms and Internet). The results show that Senegal, country located at the extreme west of African continent has many constraints of political, social, economic and environmental hampering the good management of available water resources. These constraints focus on the sectorial approach of water management, the immobility of actors of this management, overlapping responsibilities, lack of financial mains, inescapable scarcity, the constant degradation and the unequal distribution of water. Consequences are dramatic and contribute significantly to the impoverishment of population. Unlike the fragmented water management which has negative impacts on the lives of poor, IWRM approach is an important strategy for reducing poverty. Although poverty reduction is a complex issue requiring targeted actions and specific strategies, water is a major component, and many aspects of IWRM approach are relevant to poverty reduction by maximizing welfare economic and social being. Key words Management, Water resources, Basin organization, Arrangements, Senegal River Basinen_US
dc.subjectBassin du fleuve Sénégalen_US
dc.subjectGestion des ressources en eauen_US
dc.titleOrganization for the development of the Senegal river basin (OMVS) and integrated water ressources management (IWRM) : what benefits and difficulties of the OMVS for IWRM in Senegal ?en_US
dc.territoireRégion de Ziguinchoren_US

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